1. 最高學歷證明(必):畢業證書/修業證明/離校證明/在學證明
(Graduation certificate/enrollment certificate/leaving certificate/school attendance certificate)
2. 大學歷年成績單正本(必):大學成績總表正本。
(Original copy of the Past years’ university transcripts)
3. 其他有利審查之資料(選):有利審查之相關資料。
(Other documents that may benefit the review procedures)
4. 自傳(必):中文自傳(含學生自述)。
(Biography in Chinese (including student self-introduction)
5. 讀書計畫書(必):中文讀書計畫書(含申請動機)。
(Study Plan in Chinese (including application motive)
6. 語文能力說明或相關證明文件(選):華語文能力證明TOCFL 成績。
(Applicants must submit the certificate of The Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL), or other equivalent proof of Chinese proficiency.)