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Teaching Features


Bilingual Instruction in Chinese and English

Students in this program are required to use two or more languages to teach Chinese language and cultural knowledge to foreign students. Proficiency in both English and Chinese is essential, and therefore, the program places special emphasis on developing students' bilingual abilities in English and Chinese. Graduates of this program can be recognized as Chinese language and cultural experts with English communication skills, making them international bilingual communicators.

Mastery of Multiple Specialties

Students in this program can acquire bilingual communication skills and teaching methods. They can also choose a specific area of expertise as their research focus, including Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese art, communication linguistics, multimedia and online teaching, curriculum development, and Chinese language teaching methodology. By the time of graduation, students will have effectively mastered more than one area of expertise.



Language Exchange between Local and International Students

This program arranges language exchange activities outside of class for students in the program to interact with foreign individuals studying Mandarin in Taiwan and international students. This provides a relaxed environment for students to enhance their knowledge of foreign cultures and opportunities to practice both English and other foreign languages.


Extensive International Connections

This program maintains close connections with numerous prestigious universities in Europe, America, and mainland China. Collaborative relationships are being established, including teacher exchange programs and joint class offerings. Students in this program have the opportunity to interact with master-level scholars and participate in frequent international academic events, enabling them to acquire cutting-edge professional and academic knowledge in the field.

Domestic and International Internships

Internships are an integral part of the instructional framework of this program, allowing students to engage in internships both domestically and internationally. International internships can take place at universities or educational institutions in Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China. Domestically, students can complete their internships at the Chinese Language Teaching Centers affiliated with the program, at affiliated high schools, community colleges, or language centers at universities throughout northern, central, and southern Taiwan.
