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The Master Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language has been established for 12 years. It was initially established as a research institute for teaching Chinese as a second language from 98-102 academic years under the College of Humanities as an independent master's degree program. In the 103 academic year, due to teacher quotas and the school's need for departmental integration policies, it was transformed into a mastere program. The background of its establishment was that the university was awarded the Ministry of Education's Outstanding University Teaching Excellence Plan in 2005, which included sub-project 2-1 "Expanding International Vision, Building Elite 100". This was planned by former President Su Yulong and former director Zhou Changlong in 2008.


The purpose of this program is to provide high-quality training and guidance for qualified students who are interested in teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language at colleges and universities. The course design guides students to enrich their knowledge of Chinese language and culture, Chinese language teaching pedagogy, to develop bilingual teaching ability in Chinese and English or any other foreign language, and integrate scientific and technological information into teaching skills. The key feature is the training courses for teaching internships at home and abroad, which is designed step by step to strengthen students' experience in the teaching environment of Chinese as a second language as well as foreign language, enhance cross-cultural communication skills, and expand international perspectives. In terms of academic research, students can choose a professional knowledge as a research objective, including Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese art, communication language, multimedia and online teaching, textbook compilation, and Chinese language teaching methods. Upon graduation from this program, students will master more than one effective major.