陳恒佑 教授

研究室:科院三館 401
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♦ 資工系系主任

♦ 語文教學研究中心主任

♦ Hao-Tung Lin, Herng-Yow Chen, and Ting-Yi Ma, “Web-based Music Lecture Database Framework with Aligned MIDI Score and Real Performance Audio,” IEEE Multimedia, September 2009. (SCI, EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen and Kuo-Yu Liu, “WMA: a Marking-based Synchronized Multimedia Tutoring System for English Composition Studies,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 324-332, Feburary 2009. (SCI, EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen and Kuo-Yu Liu, “Web-based Synchronized Multimedia Lecture System Design for Teaching/Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language,” Computers & Education, Vol. 50, Issue 3, pp. 693-702, April 2008. (SCI, SSCI, EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen and Sheng-Wei Li, “Exploring Many-to-one Speech-to-Text Correlation for Web-based Language Learning,” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Application, Article No. 13, Vol. 3, August 2007. (SCI, EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen and Kuo-Yu Liu, “Exploring Multimedia Correlation and Synchronization for Web-based Language Learning,” IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 50-61, October-December, 2006. (SCI, EI)
♦ Wei-Ta Chu and Herng-Yow Chen, “Toward better Retrieval and Presentation by Exploring Cross-Media Correlations,” ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.183-198, March 2005. (SCI, EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Jen-Shin Hong, Yen-Sheng Fu, Ja-Ling Wu, “WWW-EFXer: A Java-based Video Editing System,” WebNet Journal: Internet Technologies, Applications and Issues, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 33-36, 1999.
♦ Long-Wu Chen, Herng-Yow Chen, Jen-Shin Hong, “Design and Implementation of a DICOM 3.0 Java API,” Journal of China Association for Medical Informatics, Vol. 8, pp. 39-53, December 1998.
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Yen-Sheng Fu, Ja-Ling Wu, “An Audio/Video Toolkit for supporting Continuous Media Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 43, Num. 3, pp. 253-263, August 1997. (SCI, EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Ja-Ling Wu, “MultiSync: a Synchronization Model for Multimedia Systems,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 14, Num. 1, pp. 212-225, January 1996. (SCI, EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Ja.-Ling. Wu, “A Multi-Layer Video Browsing System,” IEEE Transactionson Consumer Electronics, Vol. 41, Num. 3, pp. 842-850, August 1995. (SCI, EI) 2 of 4 Dr. Herng-Yow Chen’s Publications
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, N.-B. Liu, C.-W. Shiah, J.-L. Wu, W.-C. Chen, M. Ouhyoung, “A Novel Multimedia Synchronization Model and Its Application in Multimedia System,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 41, Num. 1, pp. 12-22, February 1995. (SCI, EI)

♦ 陳信瑞、張克甯、賴秋月、陳恆佑,2014/1/19,〈流行歌曲輔助華語聽力與口說研究〉,  第六屆世界華語文教學研究生論壇
♦ 林素菁、齊婉先、陳恆佑,2012/6/15,〈「數位說故事專案」融入華文教學課堂之研究 ─以國立暨南國際大學僑生初、中、高級華文班為例〉, 第二屆兩岸華文教師論壇
♦ Jian-Heng Wang, Siang-An Wang, Wen-Chieh Chen; Ken-Ning Chang, Herng-Yow Chen,“Real-Time Pitch Training System for Violin Learners,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICMEW), pp. 163 – 168, June 2012.
♦ Ting-Ting Chou, Wen-Chieh Chen, Siang-An Wang, Ken-Ning Chang, Herng-Yow Chen,“Real-Time Polyphonic Score Following System,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICMEW), pp. 205 – 210, June 2012.
♦ 〈以Narrow-Listening概念設計之華語Podcast學習系統〉,2011, The 7th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education
♦ I.-T. Yeh, H.-T. Lin, K.-N. Chang, and Herng-Yow Chen, “Applying Video Annotation Technology on Web-based Multimedia Learning Framework,” Web-based Education Conference, online edition 2008.
♦ Kuo-Yu Liu and Herng-Yow Chen, “An Application System to Enable Multimedia on English Composition Studies,” IEEE Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 183-185, 2008. (EI).
♦ Hao-Tung Lin, Yu-Yuan Lin, Ting-Yi Ma, and Herng-Yow Chen, “A framework for music analysis instruction system with synchronization of MIDI and real performing audio,”Web-Based Education Conference, pp. 316-321, 2007.
♦ Kuo-Yu Liu and Herng-Yow Chen, “Exploring Media Correlation and Synchronization for Navigated Hypermedia Documents,” ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 259-260, 2005. (EI) (Acceptance ratio: 15.7%) 3 of 4 Dr. Herng-Yow Chen’s Publications
♦ Sheng-Wei Li, Hao-Tung Lin, and Herng-Yow Chen, “How Speech/Text Alignment Benefits Web-based Learning,” Demonstration paper in ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 61-70, 2005. (EI)
♦ Kuo-Yu Liu, Jin-Yi Wang, and Herng-Yow Chen, “A Marking-based Synchronized Multimedia Tutoring System for Composition Studies,” IEEE Advanced Learning Technologies,2005. (EI)
♦ Liang-Kao Chang, Kuo-Yu Liu, Chien-An Wu, and Herng-Yow Chen, “Sharing Web-based Multimedia Learning Objects Using NNTP News Architecture,” IEEE Advanced Learning Technologies, 2005. (EI)
♦ Kuo-Yu Liu and Herng-Yow Chen, “Adaptive Synchronization Framework for Navigated Hypermedia Document Presentation,” IEEE Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2004. (EI)
♦ Hao-Tung Lin, Yi-Chun Lai, Kuo-Yu Liu, and Herng-Yow Chen, “Web-based Multimedia Authoring and Presentation Framework for Children’s Art Cultivation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3143, ICWL 2004 Conference, pp. 67-74, 2004. (EI)
♦ I-Chun Lai, Kuo-Yu Liu, Hao-Tung Lin, and Herng-Yow Chen, “Efficient Methods for Skimming the Web-based Synchronization Multimedia Lectures,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3143, ICWL 2004 Conference, pp. 105-112, 2004. (EI)
♦ Natalius Huang, Herng-Yow Chen, and R.C.T. Lee “Web-based Synchronized Multimedia System Design for Teaching/Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2774, KES2003 Conference, pp.201-207, 2003. (EI)
♦ Bo-Hong Wu and Herng-Yow Chen, “An XML-based Design for Distribution and Exchange of Multimedia Learning Objects among e-Learning Systems,” Computer-Assisted Instruction Conference, 2003.
♦ Wei-Ta Chu and Herng-Yow Chen “Cross-Media Correlation: A Case Study for Navigated Hypermedia Documents,” ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 57-66, 2002. (EI) (Acceptance ratio: 14%)
♦ Kao-You Liu, Natalius Hwang, Bo-Hung Wu, Wei-Ta Chu, and Herng-Yow Chen, “The WSML System: Web-based Synchronization Multimedia Lecture System,” Demonstration paper in ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 662-663, 2002. (EI)
♦ Wei-Ta Chu and Herng-Yow Chen, “Multiple Granularity Access to Navigated Hypermedia Documents Using Temporal Meta-Information,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2532, Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, pp. 1227-1234, 2002. (EI)
♦ Natalius Huang and Herng-Yow Chen, “Design a Web-based Assessment Tool with Multiple Presentation Styles for Language Training”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2532, Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, pp. 985-992, 2002. (EI) 4 of 4 Dr. Herng-Yow Chen’s Publications
♦ Chun-Chuan Yang, Herng-Yow Chen, and Yi-Zheng Yang, “Design of a SMILGateway for Web-based Distance Learning,” Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications Conference, pp. 131-136, 2000.
♦ Jen-Shin Hong, Herng-Yow Chen, Jieh Hsiang, “A Digital Museum of Taiwanese Butterflies,” in ACM Digital Libraries Conference, pp.260-261, 2000. (EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Yen-Tsung Chia, Gin-Yi Chen, and Jen-Shin Hong, “RTP-based Synchronized Hypermedia Live Lecture System for Distance Education,” ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 91-100, October 1999. (EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Gin-Yi Chen, and Jen-Shin Hong, “Design a Web-based Synchronized Multimedia Lecture System for Distance Education,” IEEE Multimedia Computing and Systems Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 887-891, June 1999. (EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Jen-Shin Hong, Yen-Sheng Fu, Ja-Ling Wu, “WWW-EFXer: A Java-based Video Editing System,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. 454-455, June 1998. (EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Yen-Sheng Fu, Ja-Ling. Wu, “An Audio/Video Toolkit for supporting Continuous Media Applications,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.6-7, June 1997, USA. (EI)
♦ Zheng-Yun Zhuang, Chiou-Ting Hsu, Herng-Yow Chen, Ming Ouhyoung and Ja-Ling Wu, “Efficient Multiresolution Scene Change Detection by Wavelet Transformation,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.250-251, June 1997, USA. (EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Ja-Ling Wu, “A Multi-Layer Video Browsing System,” IEEE Internal Conference on Consumer Electronics, June 1995, pp. 374-375, June 1995, USA. (EI)
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, Nien-Bao Liu, C-W Shiah, Ja-Ling Wu, W-C Chen, and Ming Ouhyoung,”A Novel Audio/Video Synchronization Model and Its Application in Multimedia Authoring System,”IEEE Internal Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. 176-177, June 1994, USA. (EI)
♦ Ming Ouhyoung, Wen-Chin Chen, Yuong-Wei Lei, Keh-Ning Chang, Ching-Lun Liang, Shwu-Fen Wang, Yung-Huei Yan, Jiann-Rong Wu, Herng-Yow Chen, Nien-Bao Liu, Yin-Lai Wang, Tzong-Yin Hwu, Wei-Ming Su, Rung-Heui Liang, Kuo-Chang Fu, Yah Chen, Tzong-Jer Yang, “The MOS Multimedia E-Mail System,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, pp. 315-324, May 1994, USA. (EI)

♦ Man-Hua Wu and Herng-Yow Chen, “An Adaptive Learning Framework for Web-based Learning: A Case Study on English Grammar Self-learning,” Encyclopedia of Distance Learning (volume 1), pp. 44-52, Idea Group Publishing, ISBN: 1-59140-555-6, April 2005.
♦ Sheng-Wei Lee, Hao-Tung Lin, and Herng-Yow Chen, “How Speech/Text Alignment Benefits Web-based Language Learning: a case study on broadcasting headline news and online lectures,” Encyclopedia of Distance Learning (volume 4), pp. 1643-1949, Idea Group Publishing,ISBN: 1-59140-555-6, April 2005.
♦ Hao-Tung Lin and Herng-Yow Chen, “Web-based Multimedia Authoring and Presentation Tool for Children's Art Cultivation,” Encyclopedia of Distance Learning (volume 4), Idea Group Publishing, pp. 2004-2008, ISBN: 1-59140-555-6, April 2005.
♦ Hao-Tung Lin and Herng-Yow Chen, “Web-based Multimedia Authoring and Presentation Tool for Children's Art Cultivation,” Encyclopedia of Distance Learning (volume 4), Idea Group Publishing, pp. 2004-2008, ISBN: 1-59140-555-6, April 2005.
♦ Kuo-Yu Liu and Herng-Yow Chen, “Web-based Synchronized Multimedia Lecturing System for Language Learning,” Encyclopedia of Distance Learning (volume 4), Idea Group Publishing,ISBN: 1-59140-555-6, pp. 2019-2028, April 2005
♦ Herng-Yow Chen, “Synchronized Hypermedia Lecture Framework for Web-based Distance Education,” Intelligent Virtual World: Technologies and Applications in Distributed Virtual Environments, pp. 225-242, ISBN: 981-238-618-1, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc, July 2004.

(一) 學術活動
♦ 專題演講「語言,音樂,大腦與科技」,國立暨南國際大學課程與科技研究所
♦ 專題演講「語言, 音樂與科技」,台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所
♦ 工作坊「String Workshop」25~26 June 2014,國立暨南國際大學資訊工程學系
(二) 網站
♦ 個人網站
♦ Chinese Podcast
♦ 華語Podcast學習系統